I played Savage Worlds for the first time last night, and I have to say, it was quite enjoyable. Having no idea what I was doing, I decided to keep it simple and design a specialized character based on a strong, simple concept. We were playing the Superhero variant of the game, and thus was born The Brain. The Brain began life as one Joe Smith, an average fellow who was at the wrong place at the wrong time and was struck by a bus and lapsed into a coma. His friends gathered at his bedside in the hospital, and were all affected by whatever it was that gave them superpowers. Joe Smith as a person was lost, as Joe Smith's brain became self aware as it's own organism. The Brain had the powers of Flight, Mind Control, Telekenesis and Heightened Awareness. Rising from it's bed, the Brain was disgusted to find that it was tied to a body, which it refers to as, "The Husk" and is, unfortunately, necessary to it's continued survival. So essentially the Brain floats around, dragging the body which it looks at as an unfortunately necessary life support system. Still wearing the hospital gown (open at the back, of course), and with IV tubes still dangling from its arms, the Brain set off with it's companions to rob a Seven Eleven, and then a Bank, killing and maiming as they went (yeah, so we didn't actually turn out as "superheroes" in the most literal sense of the word). The Brain's forte turned out to be controlling other people, which it did with aplomb, until it encountered a pair heroes affiliated with the local chapter of this world's equivalent to the Justice League and their psychic backup. The team of villains has retreated with several thousand dollars, or several hundred thousand dollars (we haven't counted it yet) to plan their next step towards world domination.
As far as the system goes, I really liked the inventiveness of the "exploding" dice routine, which made for some truly remarkable situations. There didn't seem to be a sense of scaling - we were fighting schmoos that were knocked over by a stiff breeze until we were fighting gods that were impervious to... well... just about everything. I have a feeling that was more situational that system related, though. My only real system criticism was that using the cards for initiative seemed somewhat... gimmicky, and didn't seem to add anything to the game.
Overall a very fun night, though.
The cards do seem like a gimmick at first, but there are nuances to their use that become apparent the more you play.
ReplyDeleteI'll have to show our fair Referre how to deal the cards right. I gets more exciting that way. :)
ReplyDelete- Ark